Saturday, November 28, 2009

Did you know...?

Interesting Body Facts....

-A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.

- It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mouth to your


-One human hair can support 3kg.

- Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

-The attachment of human muscles to skin is what causes dimples.

-Your thumb is the same length of your nose.

- A woman's heart beats faster than a man's.

- If the average male never shaved, his beard would be 13 feet long when

he died.

- Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of the

liver than men with hair.

-There are about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.

- Side by side, 2000 cells from the human body could cover about one

square inch

- Women blink twice as much as men.

-The average person's skin weighs twice as much as their brain.

- When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, they do

the same when you are looking at someone you hate.

- It takes twice as long to lose new muscle if you stop working out than

it did to gain it.

-You're ears secrete more earwax when you are afraid than when you aren't.

-Your body uses 300 muscles to balance itself when you are standing still.

- If saliva cannot dissolve something, you cannot taste it.

-The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.

Did you know...?

Now that's why eyes is the window to the soul and lol who tried to measure their nose and thumb

Did you know...?

those are all good and interesting things to know!!!!

Did you know...?

Very interesting facts zxcv. Thanks for sharing!

Did you know...?

Thank you zxcv, very interesting. It sounds impossible for a human hair to support 3kg's. Wow.

Did you know...?

That's nice to know thanks!

Did you know...?

You've really taught us some very interesting information here today zxcv, thanks for sharing. I had to be sure about the thumb and my nose and yes, you're right!

What is dat patch of hair under American white man's lower lip? "Cod-cushion"?

we call it a soul patch but that might not be universally used.,

What is dat patch of hair under American white man's lower lip? "Cod-cushion"?

yupp...soul patch...or a goatee

What do you think of this Poem?

Wine and rank poison, milk and blood,

Being mixed therein

Since first the devil threw dice with God

For you, Faustine.

Your naked new-born soul, their stake,

Stood blind between;

God said "let him that wins her take

And keep Faustine."

But this time Satan throve, no doubt:

Long since, I ween,

God's part in you was battered out;

Long since, Faustine.

The die rang sideways as it fell,

Rang cracked and thin,

Like a man's laughter heard in hell

Far down, Faustine,

A shadow of laughter like a sigh,

Dead sorrow's kin;

So rang, thrown down, the devil's die

That won Faustine.

A suckling of his breed you were,

One hard to wean;

But God, who lost you, left you fair,

We see, Faustine.

You have the face that suits a woman

For her soul's screen--

The sort of beauty that's called human

In hell, Faustine.

You could do all things but be good

Or chaste of mien;

And that you would not if you could,

We know, Faustine.

Even he who cast seven devils out

Of Magdalene

Could hardly do as much, I doubt,

For you, Faustine.

Did Satan make you to spite God?

Or did God mean

To scourge with scorpions for a rod

Our sins, Faustine?

I know what queen at first you were,

As though I had seen

Red gold and black imperious hair

Twice crown Faustine.

As if your fed sarcophagus

Spared flesh and skin,

You come back face to face with us,

The same Faustine.

She loved the games men played with death,

Where death must win;

As though the slain man's blood and breath

Revived Faustine.

Nets caught the pike, pikes tore the net;

Lithe limbs and lean

From drained-out pores dripped thick red sweat

To soothe Faustine.

She drank the steaming drift and dust

Blown off the scene;

Blood could not ease the bitter lust

That galled Faustine.

All round the foul fat furrows reeked,

Where blood sank in;

The circus splashed and seethed and shrieked

All round Faustine.

But these are gone now: years entomb

The dust and din;

Yea, even the bath's fierce reek and fume

That slew Faustine.

Was life worth living then? and now

Is life worth sin?

Where are the imperial years? and how

Are you Faustine?

Your soul forgot her joys, forgot

Her times of teen;

Yea, this life likewise will you not

Forget, Faustine?

What do you think of this Poem?

Well, I read it three times before attempting to comment. First, the structure is consistent, the rhyming not strained, the grammar good. It drives and moves very well. But I still do not understand the character. In one verse blood calms her, in one it cannot ease the bitter lust, and in one it killed her. I get the impression she has lived many lifetimes on this plane, but I'm not sure. It's very Poe-etical, if you'll forgive the pun. And you definitely are a wordsmith, something I haven't seen here before. Very evocative, even if I'm not exactly sure what it means.

What do you think of this Poem?

Wow, quite dark and deep there.

What do you think of this Poem?

Most words of your poem are confusing just to rhyme but somehow I get the gist. I'll make 1 comment.

There are two parts, one talking to Faustine, and the other about Faustine. It would have been better to just focus on talking to her. Question her about the wrath the Gods and the Devils have given her. Emphasize how it all started and how it ends, what Faustine has done and what she deserves. Are we affected by her doing? All of a sudden we envision a lady terribly scorned, only in the end did we know how her fate came to be.

I hope you grasp the sense I'm willing to share. I hope this helps.

What do you think of this Poem?

A good poem, however, confusing.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Is she being too hard on him? Asking too much? Insatiable?

I'm gonna break this one down for you, because I used to BE that guy.

How does this happen?

The guy, good as he is, has a burning desire to excel and provide. He has lots of pressure. A man's job becomes his identity, as well as a source of validation. Now he has the GF living with him, he doesn't have to hunt anymore, that part of his life is squared away (he thinks). Also when living together, much of the excitement backs off, giving way to mundane everyday life, which is often just fine to a guy, and looks normal, just like it was when he was single. The one thing he did like to do, HUNT, is off the table. Often, the daily conflicts of life may also leave him offended or distant, especially if she accuses him of not doing enough, and claims her unhappiness with him. Massively frustrating to the guy, and upsetting.

The Result-

Things are out of balance. He is overly tired and doesn't know how to satisfy this seemingly ungrateful girl. He loses inspiration to try, as well. He doesn't understand why she can't just be happy, and she doesn't understand what happened to the fun guy she fell in love with. Her friends call her a fool and she doubts herself, because this is a situation most girls would be thrilled with- good guy, good dad, good provider. Passion is absent, and then when the sex does happen, it isn't like it used to be, given the boredom and resentment that exists now. She wants to go out, or talk, but all his energy and words are already spent, and she is now a pain in the *** to him. She is resentful because something else is getting that energy, and therefore feels like she is not real important to him. (for the record, for a woman to know that nothing is more important in her man's life than her is the one key thing she needs more than anything else) She doesn't want him 24/7, she just wants her share of him. It is non-negotiable, she must have it.

The Solution-

Bad news, dude. You have become mediocre. Boring. If she stays, she will feel like she settled, and may disrespect you for this constantly. You are also hurting her with rejection, though you don't mean to. I know it sounds stupid to you, she shouldn't feel that, but she DOES! The first thing to do is get in balance. Jobs come and go, money comes and goes. Even kids grow up and move out. Therefore, SHE comes first, if you want it to last. You want to spend every inch of your energy making that dollar and leave none for your woman and expect her to be cool with it? If she loves you, she would trade all the benefits of your killer job just to get YOU. She needs your focused attention. NEEDS it. If you don't give it, she will feel unloved, unimportant, rejected, needs not met. She practically has no choice in staying, you are packaging her up and sending her away. And if she truly can't leave, her dissatisfaction may turn into cruelty.


You may want to resent her for getting in the way of your career and income, but that's crap. If you are all about the career, fine. Pour all your time and energy into it. Just don't expect a relationship. You can't have BOTH, unless you are willing to balance and make sacrifices in both areas. If you don't tend to a fire, and feed it fuel, it will go out. It was hot, but now cold ashes. Same with your girl. If you don't tend to her, the fire will go out.

Date her. Seduce her. Forever.

Not only does she need that, but she will be the happiest woman alive if she gets it.

If you show up to work occasionally, and do a half-assed job, you will be fired. And that is exactly what is happening here, what you are doing to your WOMAN. Relationships are work, they COST, and if you can't afford it, you're toast. Cut things away until you get in balance. LISTEN to her when she says what she needs. If you don't understand, ask her- "what does that look like?" So she can describe it. Here's a few tips- get off early and take her to lunch. Go shoot pool at night with her. Make some simple sandwiches and take her for a walk around the lake. Shut the TV off and read to her. Then discuss what you read. Take her to a comedy club. Write her a sweet note. Brush her hair. Exercise together. You don't have to paint the town red, but you do need to take her OUT of the house. She doesn't want you to burn up cash on her, it is a poor substitute. She needs a CONNECTION. And if you are too tired to 'bring it' in bed, take better care of your health. Quit drinking and smoking. Take vitamins. She knows you CAN, because you used to. That means you just WON'T, hence her feelings of rejection. You just won't bother. If it is already like this, she knows that marrying you is only going to be worse. Handle this, at all costs. Your tired mediocre bullsh*t is not going to cut it, and you will lose her.

Oh, and one more thing- she thinks she shouldn't have to tell you. She may not know how to tell you. But she really wants you to know. She loves you, and is dying for you to see. She wants to feel like you are a leader, and if she has to twist your arm, you will both resent that. Step up and take charge of your relationship, and have some passion. LOTS of passion. Women cannot live without it. You shouldn't want to either.


Start with some mercy. If you are harsh with him at this point, you are only making it worse. You feel distant already, and he will distance himself more if you disrespect him. Men often have a 'slim-to-none' level of relationship awareness. That doesn't mean he sucks, it just means he needs to learn. Oh I know you think he should know this, but he doesn't. OK, so you are together now, who will teach him? You are going to have to. Teach him how to love you. Show him what it looks like. Deal in logic. Don't let your frustration sabotage you with hurtful words. Guide him. BE PATIENT. Do you see how I presented it above? Do that, except nicer.... like this...

"Man of my life, I love you. I respect you. I admire you and appreciate the things that you do very much. I really do, and I always will. But I have to tell you that I am bored. Your life is out of balance, and you are not handling your business when it comes to me. If it goes on too long, I will be neglected, possibly become a jerk, and probably leave. Your neglect is unacceptable. Time to make choices, and set priorities. Your behavior shows me that you do not desire me, or value me at an acceptable level. Things will not continue as they are, one way or another. You are trying hard. Time to try differently."

Talk to him like a guy. You can tell him how you feel, but I would keep the emotion to a minimum. If there is too much, he may see you as a stupid, ungrateful ***** who is dragging him down with dumb-*** feelings. This will not inspire him to new heights of love and passion with you. He may not understand all your emotion, but he does understand logic. Marriage is much like a business, with much expectation and duty, and his performance review is not good. See exhibit A, B, and C. Logic. Logic. Logic. No cruelty. ALWAYS speak to him respectfully, even in critique. You start taking shots at him with insults, and you are toast. He will have no interest in stepping up. You want him to be more loving to you... so make sure you are being lovable. It helps.

He knows you could unleash on him, but when you choose not to, he will be grateful, and if he is a wise man, he will be open to correction and improvement. If he is not a wise man, he will end up just like I did.


Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Do you really think anyone is going to read all that? Get a life.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

uh...too question...please stop wasting our time like this

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

im not reading that!!

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

i think its true but kinda sad

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

I had no idea I was dedicating myself to a Natinal Geographics sociology dissertation! Lighten up!

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

shes a loser move her out find somebody who deserves u lifes too short to b miserable its bettter to b alone than live in this kind of abuse u had a life lesson learn fromit or u will b destined to repeat it and dont move anybody in with u unless u are absolutely positive it will permanent within a year or two

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Good luck with what ever your situation is, this was just way to long to read.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Your question made me tired. I am going to take a nap

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information? just described what it USED to be like before my husband "woke up"...truer words have never been spoken...I'm sorry you found out too late...the best wishes for a happier life.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Finally I got to the end,wheh!

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

stop taking yourself too seriously, if you died in a car accident next month you will be replaced, i din't say duplicated i said replaced-trust me, so enjoy what you have.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Unfortunately, you have described so many marriages in this world. Men and women both need to realize that marriage is going to be the hardest but most rewarding job you will have in your entire life. Making marriage work is all about showing love to your partner the way that they feel loved. A man shows love by providing for his family. A woman feels loved through connection, affection, appreciation. This is where the problem comes in. Until we all realize how to show love to our partners and how to keep our lives balanced, there will always be this problem. Couples need to be committed to doing the work it takes to maintain loving, passionate relationships.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

if people cant take the time to read for 5 minutes they dont deserve your wisdom. I left after 18 years of marriage because i felt thrown away and that hurts. He just let me get further and further away and blamed it on work. All I wanted was to feel like I mattered more than work but he couldnt do that. I found someone who could.

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

All I learned was that you used to be a guy. Is this true? I'm confused? Why did you write a novel? Was that necessary?

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Perfect explanation! You're completely right! I had to send this link to my boyfriend to read!

Ladies and Gents, your opinion please on this information?

Yes, I read it. WOW It was filled with very meaning stuff.

One question. You speak from a male voice but your avatar is female??? For either male or female--it was awesome.

Yes, some of us have to learn lessons the hard way. Experience. But if someone had told you--you would have blown them off. Right?

Good luck in the rest of your life. Live it to the fullest.

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?


A man and his wife were having some problems at home and were giving each other the silent treatment. Suddenly, the man realized that the next day, he would need his wife to wake him at 5:00 AM for an early morning business flight.

Not wanting to be the first to break the silence (and LOSE), he wrote on a piece of paper, "Please wake me at 5:00 AM " He left it where he knew she would find it.

The next morning, the man woke up, only to discover it was 9:00 AM and he had missed his flight. Furious, he was about to go and see why his wife hadn't wakened him, when he noticed a piece of paper by the bed. The paper said, "It is 5:00 AM. Wake up."

Men are not equipped for these kinds of contests.


A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. An earlier discussion had led to an argument and

neither of them wanted to concede their position.

As they passed a barnyard of mules, goats, and pigs,

the husband asked sarcastically, "Relatives of yours?"

"Yep," the wife replied , "in-laws


"Cash, check or charge?" I asked, after folding items the woman wished to purchase.

As she fumbled for her wallet I noticed a remote control for a televi-sion set in her purse.

"So, do you always carry your TV remote?" I asked.

"No," she replied, " but my husband refused to come shopping with me, and I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him le-gally."



I know I'm not going to understand women.

I'll never understand how you can take boiling hot wax,

pour it onto your upper thigh, rip the hair out by the root,

and still be afraid of a spider.


A husband read an article to his wife about how many words women use a day... 30,000 to a man's 15,000.

The wife replied, "The reason has to be because we have to repeat everything to men...

The husband then turned to his wife and asked, "What?"


A man said t o his wife one day, "I don't know how you can be

so stupid and so beautiful all at the same time.

" The wife responded, "Allow me to explain.

God made me beautiful so you would be attracted to me;

God made me stupid so I would be attracted to you!


A man and his wife were having an argument about who

should brew the coffee each morning.

The wife said, "You should do it, because you get up first,

and then we don't have to wait as long to get our coffee."

The husband said, " You are in charge of cooking around here and

you should do it, because that is your job, and I can just wait for my coffee."

Wife replies, "No, you should do it, and besides, it is in the Bible

that the man should do the coffee."

Husband replies, "I can't believe that, show me."

So she fetched the Bible, and opened the New Testament

and showed him at the top of several pages, that it indeed says.........."HEBREWS"

God may have created man before woman,

but there is always a rough draft before the masterpiece.

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

- I loved. Thank you !

Bj, for鑾絘 e paz =D

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

kisses. Report It

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

classics haha

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

love them a star 4 u

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

dude...look at the sky at night...count the stars...thts how many i wud like to give u right now....lolz...awesome

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

lmao , i absolutely loved these... hilarious

thanks for the laugh :)

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

I will take the year all of pra translator this one txto , I'm going get away pra proxima. Kisses

The Darling woman. But the last word is always mine: Yes, dear.?

Muito boas piadas, mas eu s璐?estou respondendo para ter a pergunta dispon閾唙el no meu perfil e enviar a amigos posteriormente.

Thank you !

Is my man Gay?

I've been having doubts on my man's behaviors : he has long hair to his shoulders, stares at himself in the mirror when naked especially at his chest, shaved his legs thighs and arms and hands last night, doesn't like baggy shorts but prefers tight waist shorts, and likes anal sex more than normal sex. Not sure if he has homosexual tendencies, if he's bi, if he has a feminin side to him, if he's gay?? It's weird bc he's only been with girls in the past, and is known to be a real gigolo.

Is my man Gay?

On the face of it, it doesn't sound like your man is gay. It sounds more like he's narcissistic.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

One side is about freedom of life, and loving your family and doing the right thing in your marriages.

The other like to encourage divorces, illegitimate pregnancy and trying to shut people out.

Remember when women were women? They dressed nice, had longer hair, stayed in shape and loved kids.

Now they want to take men's jobs and have David Crosby donate sperm to them, so they can have a child with some chick they met at the bowling alley getting a tattoo.

So if these Denmark types win, soon we will all be sitting around smoking weed and being hippies. One little philly on this board wants to worship music. One European guy from Denmark wants to shut me out of here by using his phone network to tell people to report me. One dame wants to get more gays to marry and move next door. What is going on here?

Where have you gone Mr. Ronald Reagan? Remember having a President who wore a suite to the Oval Office. That clown Clinton started us on a path with this affair with that Jewish lady.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I loves me some hippie Denmark atheists.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I'll take the atheists, thanks.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Ya know Colson. You're kinda hot when you get all fired up like that. How much do you really LOVE your lord, hmm?

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

The atheists.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

too funny,

kudos too you you have turned this ship around

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

i'll stand with the hippie denmark atheists!

i love your questions, but be careful, because if you keep posting things like this, you one day may start believing them!

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Hmmm. I dress nice, have long hair, do my damnedest to get in shape (I got out after being sick) and love kids, and yet I'm with another woman. Maybe the women are just tired of *you*.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

watch it sonny. I've got a paddle

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

dude thats my friends you are dissing there !

come on round the back ... me and you

gloves off

and I am bringing my feather duster... be warned

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

You have taken everything about God's word and chrisitian beliefs and twisted it into something ugly and evil through this question. You must not have Jesus in your heart to say these things. Ultimately its not up to you to jusge people, its up to God ans the sooner you learn that, the better.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

You can get a tattoo at a bowling alley?


Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I try not to take sides..but your little Fascist rant here makes me want to pick whichever side you are NOT on...

Crammin that stick up there a little too far eh??

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Its been awhile since I enjoyed a nice drunken rant.


Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I will stand with Jesus Christ

But to answer your other questions I cannot....

I do not judge people.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

As a conservative may I just say that you sir, have some serious issues. Look inside yourself and see if you like what you see...(i.e) a hate filled, bigoted, christian jackass.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I smoked weed with Jesus Christ.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Perhaps the denmark atheists.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

are they really from denmark? lol do i have to pick one of those options? cause im no atheist.. im a polytheist! so i like many gods/goddesses.. so where is jesus standing? .. sounds like you are doing some serious hating here, sir. are you sure jesus will want you to stand with him???

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I'd side with the Danish atheist hippies, Jesus doesn't exist so whats the point of that. Also Clinton was one of the best Presidents America ever had.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Okay okay, took me awhile but I finally got your number now.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Oh my god, you are so funny.

"Hippie Denmark Atheists"?

I'll take that as a compliment that you are calling me that. :)

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I will always stand with Jesus!!! He will have the VICTORY!!

But, I cannot judge anyone else.

God Bless You.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

That's really funny man, personally I probably have more in common w/the Denmark hippies. But the reason divorse needs to be availble is a lot of the times one spouse or other is abusive, addicted, or an adulterer. WHat need to be prevented are frivoulus marriages. Women do dress nice, stay in shape, and love kids: in Latin America. But there truly are a lot of freaks out there. Kinda scary that each one of 'em has the same say in choosing our government as you do huh?

And by the way Denmark is one of the most successful and , the Economist magazine rated it the happiest country in the world. But it's kind of easy to achieve that in a homogenus, educated, and most of all TINY country. And Ronald Reagan was the devil. The whole thing about the crack epidemic , meth, and skyrocketing urban viloence began on his watch. Or doesn't any of that matter?

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

"Remember when women were women? They dressed nice, had longer hair, stayed in shape and loved kids."

Remember when you could beat a woman with a stick no wider than your thumb? (Hence "rule of thumb")

Remember when you could kill a child for being disobedient? Or you could keep a slave? Or kill a woman for wearing garments made of two different threads? All things Jesus was cool with.

"Where have you gone Mr. Ronald Reagan? Remember having a President who wore a suite to the Oval Office."

Remember when Reagan broke the law? Remember him being almost as witless and senile as Bush? I do.

Clinton? The guy who gave us the greatest economic growth in history? The guy who left us with a budget SURPLUS??? yeah, I remember that guy.

Wish he could run again.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?


Any valid points you may have here are overwhelmed by your vitriol, anger and mean-spirited delivery. We should always be open for vigorous healthy debate but this isn't it.

Search your heart %26amp; if you find that you don't pray in an intersessory and loving manner for those you point out here, you need to immerse yourself in scripture and prayer. We are to become more Christ-like everyday and this is far from that.

Your use of derogatory terms is doing nothing to get your ideas across. You are merely inflamitory and your points are burned in those flames. You have defeated your purpose and what you talk about says more about you than anyone else you mention here.

Please, be careful, kind %26amp; loving. I hope others are to you.


Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

Colson, the Kingdom of God is advancing and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.

But, if you mean: will the way of life I was comfortable with, where lots of nice people sit in nice church pews and a nice preacher gives us a nice sermon once a week? Then the answer is no.

The "comfortable" way of life of the Pharisees and Sadduccees HAD to end to make way for "new wine" coming into the world. And only when they were swept away, was the good news truly freed to spread and truly smash the kingdom of darkness out of the way.

My suggestion is that you evaluate what the Hippies have to say before making it "US" vs "THEM". There's a lot of hypocrisy in the "church" which looks good on the outside, but is just as wretched as the guy smoking pot, or the girls who want to have David Crosby's baby.

There is a lot of what Jesus taught which is sought by the folks you may want to exclude.

Deal with that plank in the eye, and you'll see a lot more clearly what's going on to keep the Hippies from "coming to church". It may well be that you find yourself (I've had this happen to me) to be the reason why some folks run away from Jesus and the Bible.

Do Hippies need Jesus? Yep, I'm one that was found by Him. Does Jesus change them? Yep, Hallelujah!!

One of my best friends was one of the biggest drug abusers I'd ever heard of - but now he's a mighty prayer warrior who really has a gift to move mountains. Most church folks can't handle him tho because he's radical and actually believes what Jesus taught. (instead of just hearing about it).


Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I applaud you Colson for calling a spade a spade.

So to speak.

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I always stand with the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. To Him I pledge my soul and body and to Him I shall return when my mission is completed on this mortal earth

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

I will stand with Jesus Christ my Lord

Will you stand with Jesus Christ, or with these hippie Denmark atheists?

oh my god dude you wrote so much i mean lessen up a lil and i am totaly my own person and dont care about those atheists because they will all burn in hell while i with the believers of one god stand strong and prosperous.

peace but i am not christian and dont believe christ as holly as he is i dont think that he is the son of god.

but still peace

Think before you speak...?

Think before you speak...

Here are six reasons why you should think before you speak -

the last one is great!

Have you ever spoken and wished that you could

immediately take the words back...

or that you could crawl into a hole?

Here are the Testimonials of a few people who did....


I walked into a hair salon with my husband and three kids in tow

and asked loudly,

"How much do you charge for a shampoo and a ********?"

I turned around and walked back out and never went back

My husband didn't say a word...

he knew better.


I was at the golf store comparing different kinds of golf balls.

I was unhappy with the women's type I had been using.

After browsing for several minutes,

I was approached by one of the good-looking gentlemen who works at the store.

He asked if he could help me.

Without thinking, I looked at him and said, "I think I like playing with men's balls"


My sister and I were at the mall and

passed by a store that sold a

variety of candy and nuts.

As we were looking at the display case,

the boy behind the counter asked if we needed any help.

I replied, "No, I'm just looking at your nuts."

My sister started to laugh hysterically.

The boy grinned, and I turned beet-red and walked away.

To this day,

my sister has never let me forget.


While in line at the bank one afternoon,

my toddler decided to release

some pent-up energy and ran amok.

I was finally able to grab hold of

her after receiving looks of disgust

and annoyance from other patrons.

I told her that if she did not start behaving

"right now" she would be punished.

To my horror, she looked me in the eye and said in a voice just as threatening,

"If you don't let me go right now,

I will tell Grandma that I saw you

kissing Daddy's pee-pee last night!"

The silence was deafening after this enlightening exchange.

Even the tellers stopped what they were doing.

I mustered up the last of my dignity and

walked out of the bank with my daughter in tow.

The last thing I heard when the door closed behind me, were screams of laughter.


Have you ever asked your child a question too many times?

My three-year-old son had a lot of problems with potty training and I was on him constantly.

One day we stopped at Taco Bell for a quick lunch, in between errands

It was very busy, with a full dining room.

While enjoying my taco,

I smelled something funny,

so of course I checked

my seven-month-old daughter, she was clean.

The realized that Danny

had not asked to go potty in a while.

I asked him if he needed to go,

and he said "No" .

I kept thinking

"Oh Lord, that child has had an accident, and I don't have any clothes with me."

Then I said,

"Danny, are you SURE you didn't have an accident?"

"No," he replied.

I just KNEW that he must have had an accident, because the smell was getting worse.

Soooooo, I asked one more time, "Danny did you have an accident ? This time he jumped up, yanked down his pants,

bent over, spread his cheeks

and yelled


While 30 people nearly choked to death on their tacos laughing,

he calmly pulled up his pants and sat down.

An old couple made me feel better,

thanking me for the best laugh they'd ever had!

Think before you speak...?

ha ha ha funny

Think before you speak...?


the last one is the best

Think before you speak...?

Lol, I enjoyed the second one the most. Thanks for the laughs!

Think before you speak...?


The last 2 were my favorite

for this you get a star

The Showstopper

The Headliner

The Icon

Mr. Wrestlemaina

He's all heart and pure attitude

He's HBK

Chain Gang Soldier for Life!!!!!

Think before you speak...?

I liked them all but the first one i didnt really get it but they were still really funny

Think before you speak...?

These were great, but you said 6. Only 5 are listed!!

EDIT: Thanks for posting the 6th one. That was really funny. Sounds like something I would have said.

Think before you speak...?

ha ha ha and ha

Think before you speak...?

Well done, I like the fourth and the second best!

Think before you speak...?


Think before you speak...?


Think before you speak...?

ha ha ha

Think before you speak...?

Haha. I heard this one on Y!A last week, but it's still funny.

Think before you speak...?

They where all great.......A good come back, for the lady in number #4 might have been, since she was in a bank, Yeah, But the moneys good, or " the Pill didn't work the last time"

Think before you speak...?


Think before you speak...?

oh thank you, haven't laughed so much in a long time.

Think before you speak...?

brilliant - best i have heard in ages

you get a star

Think before you speak...?


Think before you speak...?


i like that word...

thing before you speak..

my mother always say to me like that....

are u my mother??


Think before you speak...?

pmsl great, made me giggle thanks

Think before you speak...?

lol hilarious!!! have a star!

Is there any way to lengthen the small hairs on a 25 year old man's chest? Or they will grow in

Follicles are there, small hairs are there, will those hairs be longer naturally? If not, how to make them longer?

Is there any way to lengthen the small hairs on a 25 year old man's chest? Or they will grow in course of time

They cannot be made to grow any more than they are genetically programmed to. They will possibly grow and thicken over time

Is there any way to lengthen the small hairs on a 25 year old man's chest? Or they will grow in course of time

Shaving the hairs on legs makes them grow back faster and thicker, so it might work with your chest aswell

My hair sticks up naturally like a porquepine?

I have straight and thick hair, any tips on making it go down like Puerto Rican men's hair?

My hair sticks up naturally like a porquepine?

Try a very good hair serum! Dont worry if u only use a small amount and rub it in to your hands then comb it through your hair it will not become greasy

My hair sticks up naturally like a porquepine?

don't fight it-go with it. Get a porcupine and carry it around like an accessory like Paris Hilton carries around dumb a$$ dogs-you could start t he next trend.

My hair sticks up naturally like a porquepine?

try a pomade not a gel. its heavier

Gattaca Film Questions?

1. The opening of the film features two quotes that seem to express opposing viewpoints. What are they saying? (in your own words)

2. As a first reaction, do you agree with one of these quotes more than the other? Explain your answer.

3. What do you think of the information the new mother instantly got when her child was born? Is knowing this kind of information a good idea? explain your answer.

4. The narrator says, 閳ユ发y real resume was in my cells.閳?What does he mean by that?

5. When employers and other agencies are getting 閳ユ笅llegal peeks閳?through handshakes, saliva from envelopes, etc., what is it that they閳ユ獧e looking at or analyzing in those samples? (In other words, how does something like a person閳ユ獨 saliva give them information about that person?)

6. The 閳ユ竷onsultant閳?who is going to help Vincent hide his genetic identity says about Jerome, 閳ユ脯ou could go anywhere with this guy閳ユ獨 helix tucked under your arm.閳?What does he mean?

7. Why is it important for Vincent to get rid of loose hair, fingernails, and skin?

8. What does he mean when he refers to his 閳ユ笅nvalid self?閳?br> 9. People in this story believe that DNA determines everything, and 閳ユ笜o one exceeds his potential閳?(as it is interpreted from DNA). What do you think of that?

10. A girl is at a bank-like window handing over a piece of hair from a man she just kissed. What閳ユ獨 going on? Why is she doing that?

11. Why does Irene offer Vincent one of her hairs? Why is this a dating ritual in the culture of the movie?

12. Irene and Vincent attend a concert by a 12-fingered pianist, and she comments afterward that the 閳ユ笡iece can only be played with 12閳?fingers. Do you suppose (if the man閳ユ獨 parents had been choosing characteristics) they would have allowed a 12-fingered baby to be born? What are some of the problems that could arise if parents chose all the characteristics of their children?

2 days ago - 1 day left to answer.

Gattaca Film Questions?

Is this for school? If so, you should watch the movie and answer these questions yourself! ;)

What is Emo?

Okay, I have come to the determination that emo is no longer, or probably ever was, a music genre. Last night I went to a concert, all the bands, none of which would be described as an "emo" band. Yet I was the only guy there with men's jeans and one of about ten who didn't have my hair straightened. And I was terrified because I was the oldest person there, aside from the parents (I'm 21).

I don't understand how this seemingly "emo" crowd has migrated to the metal scene. I have determined that emo is now a stupid fasion trend and not a music genre. The only way I could see this being linked as a music genre is from a few bands.

Blink 182-originaters of the whiny ***** voice

(New) Green Day-originaters of the tight jeans and white belts

MCR-originaters of men wearing makeup (don't start pulling that David Bowie stuff on me, I'm talking modern times.)

Can someone add some input on how this has happened and when will it (if ever) stop?

What is Emo?

I think the term you're looking for is "scene". Most are in it for the fashion, some actually like the music and happen to also like fashion (like me).

What is Emo?

Emos? It's in the name-Emotional.

What is Emo?

Emo is whiny, wimpy music for teenagers with "issues". It probably started when some bands realized they had no talent or vocal skills %26amp; were trying to still make it in the music biz. It has no business being in metal, punk or rock and is an embarrassment to music in general.

It will stop when young listeners quit listening %26amp; buying crap, and seek out "real music".

What is Emo?

EMO actually originated with bands like the Cure in the 80's. That was the roots of EMO. Not MCR and Aiden and that stuff. Regardless where it came from I don't like it. Really Emo was never a genre. Bands like MCR are punk poser EMO. Metalcore is closer to the title of emotional.

What is Emo?

emo never was a genre, it is and always has been a LABEL

What is Emo?

Yea dude, Im 22 and I remember it all started my senior year in high school (03-04) so I know you were either a senior also or atleast a junior, so it shouldnt be anything new to you.

When I first encountered it, I didnt really know it was emo, I thought it was a new punk thing going around. In the early stages, emo kids didnt wear the tight jeans but they did wear tight shirts and eye liner, and to add to the confusion, it didnt help that the first emo kids listened to Rancid and NOFX

I didnt really notice because when I was 15 I was into the whole nu-metal scene myself and the thing was wearing black fingernail polish and wearing spikes and chains everywhere, so I thought "OK whatever its just some dumb teen phase that will soon end just like disco, grunge and nu-metal"

How wrong I was lol. Its a plague that is spreading among bands of all genres. Lets see, so far it has taken AFI, Underoath, Powerman 5000, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Atreyu, Wes Borlan from Limp Bizkit plays bass in From First To Last (which is the most suprising to me of all I listed)

But no, emo isnt anything new. Emo has been around since The Cure and My Bloody Valentine.

And they are definetally not the first to wear make up. KISS? Twisted Sister? Motley Crue? All wore make up. Metallica and The Ramones were wearing skin tight jeans way back in the early 80s.

But yea dude, WTF is up with them polluting the metal scene? Either you dont scream at all (Pantera, Metallica ect) or thats all you do. You cant go from a crushing riff to a whinny emo sing-a-long chorus.

Whatever. Disco, new wave, hair metal, grunge, nu-metal...all trends that lasted no longer then 10 years, and emo will soon be on this list. Its just taking longer then expected

What is Emo?

Stop Critisising emo's 4 who they are !! it's up 2 them if they wanna go in a corner and slit their wrists!!

What is Emo?

Emo just stands for emotional, and y everyone is getting all hyped up over nothing i will never know. Emo music is just music that has acual meanings instead of just constantly repeating the same thing about sex. and EMOs are completely different and have absolutly nothing to do w/ the kind of music, I listen to EMO music but im basicly the farthest thing from an EMO......

What is Emo?

i have completely shuttered this "emo" word out of my vocabulary. there is no official meaning. it was originally a type of music. people made it into a style. i hate it. so, what is this emo? i can't say its in my vocab.

MCR=not emo

What is Emo?

I will copy my older post:

"Well, I like emo form the 80's and the post emo indie of the 90's. The" emo " now isn't even post-emo, its just punk pop crap. Its freaking annoying seeing people call them emo.

Emo originated from the word emocore. Emocore(emotional hardcore punk) is the first version of emo; it was created when hardcore punk bands decided to put introspective lyrics into their songs(frist band, Rites of Spring).Then bands started to lose the hardcore punk part of emo.1st band, Moss Icon. At this point, emo didn't stand for anything.Ther was also hardcore emo, that was chaotic emo with screaming. Emo died in 1994.

Then came indie emo/post-emo indie(1st band, sunny day real estate). I have no idea why it was called emo, for I can't see any resemblance between Moss Icon and SDRE, but w/e. SADRE didn't have any introspective lyrics; it was kinda random lyrics, melodic, and a different vocal style.SDRE styleb became more well known than the earlier style. Many copycat bands appeared. Soon, indie emo pop came about. Punk band Jimmy Eat World(JEW) added emo pop influences to its sound. Indie emo died around 1999-2000.

JEW then became a pop-punk band . They thenreleased an album in the mainstream at 2001. It had some songs slightly similar to the its previous work, but most songs were punk-pop. The media called it emo, stupidly, causing confusion about the word emo. People thought it meant emotional , as in sentimental. Dashboard Confessional, a folk pop band, was also misnamed emo. Then record labels signed copycat bands. I have no idea at what point emo meant depressing and where these weird scene kids dressing in all black came in."

Emo was dead by 1994, and indie emo was dead by 2000, so emo is non existent and is just a trend now. Most band re called emo today because people have no idea what tehy're talking about. Its all either bad post-hardcore, or whiny alternative or punk pop.

This is a picture of post-hardcore band Fugazi, who s members had been in emocore bands

Vocalist of first post-emo band:

`Some post-emo:

Profile of first emocore band:

What is Emo?

what cons did you go to ?

if it was a death metal, theyre either Scene kids or Brootal kids.

cuz to me "emo" has died 2 years ago..

doesnt mean they have long hair makes them one, those metalheads like..say Corpsegrinder from Cannibal Corpse, he has long hair, does it mean he's "emo" ?

only if you know him..


and different people have different voice so its not up to you to choose whether they sing "whiny" or nice.

atleast theyre musicians and got fans, what bout you ?

and green day DIDNT originate tight jeans, it was a trend that was created by trendsetters thats tired of baggy jeans..

men wearing make-up was originated from KISS..

i cant believe you could be a top contributor dude..lolz

EDIT : dude, lol..

dont be surpised than


i FCKNG LOVE Born Of Osiris !!

What is Emo?

a) Emo was originally a music genre from the mid-80's. It was Emotive-Hardcore Punk. These bands were Embrace, Rites of Spring, and Dag Nasty.

b) The first definition for the stereotype of Emo in UrbanDictionary is from June 8, 2003.

c) The label first came from bands insulting the Emotive-Hardcore bands. This label some how floated into the mouths of lost teenagers who thought it always meant "emotional". Back in 2003 Emo was still kids who wore sweaters. It slowly transformed into the fashions of Hot Topic. The Emo, Scene, and Hardcore kids love their fashion and their favourite place to be is shows. I've been labeled as all of these things, but when I go to shows I wear raggidy old clothes and my hair is up. I hate how shows have become stupid fashion shows. I go to mosh and enjoy the music. I don't care about "scene points". I'm seventeen and I think that these kids are so stupid.

What is Emo?

What is Emo?

F*CK YOU WENT TO BORN OF OSIRIS?!?!?! jesus i'm jealous now. i betcha it was a bunch of scene kids there

What is Emo?

An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)

2. Guy finds out, so he listens to ***** emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".

3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)

4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.

5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

When she sees how sensitive and emo I have become, she'll definately go out with me!

What is Emo?

At my school it is basically goth and punk. But anyone who is emo cuts them self. It's really stupid.

What is Emo?

Emos are pathetic people who cry alot and cut themselves.

What is Emo?

Emotional people..

with kewl hair-styles!

What is Emo?

"Emo" music doesn't exist.

What is Emo?

there's no such thing as emo....and btw mcr rocks

What is Emo?

your completely and totally wrong

mcr is a awsome band

you wrong all together

get your f*cking facts straight before posting questions like this

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

As a kid my grandparents took me to a United Pentecostal Church. They taught that women were not allowed to wear pants, makeup, cut their hair, wear jewelry, wear short sleeves etc. because it was a sin. I questioned my Sunday School teacher and she explained that pants were for men. To dress in them would be taking on the persona of a man. I guess it would be like crossdressing. What about people in other countries and cultures? There are men that wear skirts. What if a woman wanted to be a fireman? She could not possibly work in a long skirt. So would this be wrong? I know putting out fires is not a sin so what could she do to please the church? I don't know of any females that buy their pants in the men's dept. they do make jeans for women so how can this be considered wearing men's clothing? This has always bugged me because that church feels so strongly about this and judge others on clothes and makeup. I believe God looks at your heart, not your hair or clothes.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

Hath God Said ???

Out of all denominations, there are those having a pure heart toward God : The elect, that is walking in Truth and Faith. I plea with the body of Christ to walk in newness of Spirit, and not the traditions and doctrines of man.

Those that have an ear to hear : Let them hear what

the Spirit is saying to the church ...

From the fall of Eden, Satan has been using deceit to

destroy the TRUTH of God. Every denomination has

their own separation from Truth. Some more than

others, but all are polluted with " doctrines " of


The FIRST denomination : The denomination of the Serpent !

Eve believed the lie of Satan, which perverted the


Genesis 2:16,17 And the Lord God commanded the man,

saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest

freely eat : But of the tree of the knowledge of good

and evil, thou shalt not eat of it : For in the day

that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

Genesis 3:1-6 Now the Serpent was more subtle than

any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.

And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye

shall not eat of every tree of the garden ??? And the

woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit

of the trees of the garden : But of the fruit of the

tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath

said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch

it, lest ye die.

Note : Eve added to the Word when she said : "

neither shall ye touch ".

And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not

surely die : for God doth know that in the day ye eat

thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall

be as gods, knowing good and evil.

Note : Satan perverted Gods Truth, using enticement,

an enticement to be as a god.

And when the woman saw that the tree was good for

food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree

to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit

thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband

with her ; and he did eat.

Thus, the first denomination of the Serpent. Using

the Word of God and perverting it. Eve believed the

perverting. And since then, people have been

listening to "other voices" other than the voice of

the Spirit of God.

Some are saying : This is the way; some are saying ,

No, this is the way.

Jesus said : I AM the way , the Truth, and the Life ;

No man cometh to the Father except through Me !

Well, Satan wasn't through with perverting the Truth. After the disciples received Power from

on high, the Comforter, The Spirit of Truth, Satan began an attack to those weak in the flesh,

and enticed them with another way of looking at things ( hath God said ). The result was heretics

which changed the Truth into a lie, breaking away from The Way, establishing their own way, thus

creating another denomination. And we see this throughout the history of Christianity.

1 st. Corinthians 1 : 10 - 13 Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus, that

ye speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you ; but that ye be perfectly

joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment. For it hath been declared unto me

that there are contentions among you. Now this I say, that every one of you saith ; I am of

Paul ; and I of Apollos : and I of Cephas ; and I of Christ. Is Christ divided : Was Paul

crucified for you ? Or were ye baptized in the name of Paul ?

Even the disciples were having problems with people trying to promote : " I belong to THIS church,

This way of teaching, This way of believing ". Hath God said ?

Now I could go into the history of ALL denominations, when they came forth, and from what doctrinal

" tree " they came from, but if I did, this would be too long of a post to hold your attention, so,

I will leave that up to you, but encourage you to dig deep, and find where your " Hath God said "

came from.

Revelations 18 : 1 - 4 And after these things I saw another angel come down from

heaven, having great power ; and the earth was lightened with his glory. And he

cried mightily with a strong voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen,

and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a

cage of every unclean and hateful bird. For all nations have drunk of the wine of

the wrath of her FORNICATION, and the kings of the earth have committed FORNICATION

with her, and the merchants of the earth are waxed rich through the abundance of her


PEOPLE, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.

Saints, the time is short ! There isn't much more time to gain the " water of the

Word ", The revelations of Gods mind ! The Spirit of Truth should be your teacher,

Not the doctrines of men...! Dig into the Word and allow the Spirit of Truth lead

you into ALL Truth...

Come out from under the stronghold of the denominations and doctrines of man that

says : " Hath God said "...

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

I'm an ex-UPC person, notice the word EX!

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

Read this link, it explains it all and backs everything up with scripture.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

Amen sister!

Pixi kis

Your link references Deuteronomy 22:5. In verse 21of the same chapter it says that women who are not virgins are to be taken out and stoned. Do the pentacostals also do that?

Alot of things have changed since christ came in the new testament in Romans chapter 7 it states that we are now under Jesus not the law anymore. We are freed from the law by grace. That simply means that all those silly little cultural laws are no longer neccessary to have a relationship with Christ.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

your correct, God doesn't make rules like that, its just people being religious and making rules, and you don't need religion, because you can simply have a relationship with Christ, without all the religion stuff.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

I think as women, no matter what church we attend, need to dress in a modest fashion. I don't believe in wearing tight clothes that reveal my breasts and when I wear pants, my bottom is covered. I believe that God does look at the heart, but as Christians we are suppose to represent Him in a decent way, not lustful.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

He looks at the heart...

and I believe I see yours and it is good... You are blessed..

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

You know, I think it's the job of the Holy Spirit to convict people what they should wear

churches who make rules and regulations and bring condemnation are under God's scrutiny

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

You are not talking about beliefs but practices.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

it is WRitten

"" it IMPOSSIABLE for what goes into the mouth to defile a man , but what comes out for the abundence of the heart the mouth speaks"

and it says for women to ""DRESS MODESTLY"" and not let thier adorning be the OUTWARD adorning such as braiding of the hair or wearing of gold or such...

Dress Modestly

Dont draw attenetion to yourself by your dress

If you show what you are as guilty of the sin of Lust as the one you show it to , to give them the thoughts.....

One should know your a Lady and not a man

One should know ones a man and not a Lady

Dont cut your hair in a fashion one cant tell the difference

and dont dress in a way one would not know the difference


Thats what the bible says.........

BUT seriously ASK GOD

and seek HIM about it

and HE will lead you into all righteousness

Mans traditions makes Gods word of No affect

If your living for Christ then live for HIM with all your heart and Life...and the manner you want others to know confessing Holiness........

and no salvation is not in dress or hair

Been among that crowd as well....

Thats another reason i FOLLOW GODS WORD

not mans traditions or customs

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

You are right, sister.

The United Pentecostal Church is a cult. The Assemblies of God, also a Pentecostal group, has officially declared them as a cult.

Part of their non-biblical beliefs, apart from what you have just mentioned, are:

1. Modalism or Monalistic Monarchism - they believe that God has 3 manifestations/emanations, seperate from each other, i.e. they don't believe in a Triune God.

2. Salvation through works, i.e. full salvation is granted only if you follow the rules, like, they are not allowed to wear jewellery, etc. Also they speak in tongues in order to be saved. They also believe that one gets full salvation only if you get water-baptised otherwise you are not saved, etc. In other words, they practise LEGALISM.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

The Bible never mentions sleeve length. It just says dress modestly. Thus most people in my church say sleeveless is wrong. We don't have a limit, other than that personally. I think the official standard is to the elbow. sleeve length is in other words, man made. Pants were originally only made for men. At one time it was actually illegal for a women to wear pants in public,wear a skirt 3 inches above the ankle, or wear sleeves above the wrists. Illegal, I say! I did the research outside the church myself. All womens jeans,pants suits are created based on mens styles. Because they originally only had them for men. Making them pink w/ wide hips doesn't change anything. Its about obedience to God. Even when we don't agree w/ or understand why God has said something. If we are obedient God will bless us. Crossdressing, that's a perfect example! As far as other countries, we must pray for the Holy Ghost to lead us. Our church has had that happen. They asked us why we were dressed as we were. We explained the difference in men/women dress in USA. So, they decided they would be like us! We told them to pray about it.That God would lead them. Basically, there MUST be distinction between male and female. In America, men don't wear skirts,kilts,etc. Therefore, that's an empty argument. If people would just pray/submit their will to God they'd be amazed @ the changes. As far as a woman fireman. I know a woman @ my UPC church(of 7 yrs) that's a surgical nurse(?). She must wear scrubs everyday. She says she has never felt convicted because its just a uniform. Its just part of the job. I agree w/ her, and you. I also think its a personal conviction. I see nothing wrong w/ wearing a uniform of some kind for work. Then wearing dresses and skirts otherwise. People can take it too far!! My ex-husband (from 6 yrs ago) forbade to grocery shop @ all but one store. They were a discount place. They sold no alcohol,cigarettes, or lottery tickets. He said it was a matter of Christian principle. He thought it was a sin to work @ a grocery or any place that sold above said items. God is looking @ our hearts ultimately. But if we have a disobedient,rebellious spirit I can't say he will be pleased. Just pray and let God lead the way!!!

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?


we have a winner!!

this is teh exact reason i left the UPC

so much emphasis on looks and how you represent your religion to the world and so little notice on the actual religion.

whatever happened to being in the world and not of it.

dont you enter the world when you set yourself apart like that just to be a billboard for your religion?

i love my old upc family but i couldnt handle allllllll the rules.

Question for United Pentecostal church members or someone knowledgeable about their beliefs.?

Get over it, I was there for 15 yrs, and scars all over my mind. Plain ignorance, one foot in the OT, one the N It,s a sin to cut your hair, can't even,TRIM IT .When my third child was born,C Section, while awake remember my hair hung off the OP table %26amp; curled in a circle on the floor, it was so long. My hair was down below my knees,but as they preach, it's "a woman's glory"her hair, then it you might as well shave it with a razor. Then the long sleeve dresses, long in church,a home it's OK. Iwas 13 when we started to go to the UPC %26amp; it scared us half the time. My twin %26amp; I slept with our heads under the cover summer %26amp; winter,so afraid we would see a demon in our room. No AC either. We would go to church and when the sermon was over we were afraid, wondering if we sinned we would be cast into hell. I don't know why, but alot of times we would go to church and leave scared, wishing we should have stayed home. I saw many that looked un happy. We were not even allowed to go to the ball games. We were not to have TV or radio. Can not see what was so sinful about, It had to do with control. I finally left the Church to go to a different Church where the people did not teach about the outer man and taught unconditional love. I have been out of the Church and found happeness. I could never go back. I thought they might have changed, so it looks like this question proved they that have not progressed at all. Judging was a big part of some of their lifes. It is a shame one would have to live in such bondage.

I need advice about sons behavior?

my twelve-year old son has a photo of the leatherman from the village people on his wall,the photograph shows the biker playing with his chest hair while standing in the men's shower room at the y.m.c.a. should i be concerned?

I need advice about sons behavior?

Holy crap. Wait for some developments. If he is gay, please, please dont be hard on him about it. But dont try to be really cool and ask him about his boy friends and stuff. And dont point out hot girls and stuff. I'm not gay, but my dad does and its soooo uncomfortable. Just support your son and make it like even if you dont think his gayness is right, accept it. Good luck, buddy!

I need advice about sons behavior?

He probably thinks its funny.

I need advice about sons behavior?

i think i would keep my eyes open and be prepared that you may have to have a discussion---listen to him

I need advice about sons behavior?

I wouldn't think so.Maybe your 12 year old needs a chat?Maybe he knows the guy's gay, and maybe it's just a coincidence? But at 12 I would think it's just one of those things. You don't say if you have a partner?

I need advice about sons behavior?

I wouldn't be too concerned. My nephew is a very

naive 12 year old, just doesn't even pick up on

the whole gay thing at all (even though one of his

aunts is a lesbian), he hasn't figured all that out yet.

But the poster sounds gross.

I need advice about sons behavior?


Just take it down.

Burn it.

And that's the end.

And why should a 12-y.o. be watching The Village People??? I sense some shortcomings in your parenting.

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

I kinda made it up myself, but not really...

So a man was found dead in a hotel room. The cause of death: A knife in the back. More evidence found was long brown hair found on the man's clothes, his shirt was wet, there was a dent in the floor the size of the bottom of the knife handle, and there was a chair randomly in the middle of the room toppled over. Nothing was tampered with except for a hair brush containing the same long brown hair. This proves that the man must have known the person who put the knife in his back. The suspects are his best friend, Jen, who has long brown hair and was staying in the hotel room with him, a bombshell blonde, Sandy, who suspiciously knew where the bathroom was when she said she'd never been to the hotel before, and the man's bald boss, Joe, who was staying in the same hotel as them and who found the body. All of the suspects have perfect alibis with witnesses. Then who put the knife in his back? And how?

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

That's easy..

He used an icecube to hold the knife vertically up and climbed on the chair to fall backward. This account for the dent in the floor and the wet shirt.

Two other points to make, first he want to frame his friend by holding the long brown hair and second the friend was probably screwing the blond who might be the deceased girlfriend. This account for why the girl knew where the toilet was.

Erm..not exactly original though

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

He did it himself.

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

nobody, he fell and stabbed himself accidently.

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?


Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

santa did because he knows when your sleeping and awake asnd even bad or good =O

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

he had a depressing life so he killed himself.

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

he had just washed his long brown hair( thus his shirt was wet) and had brushed it, before cutting it with the knife- as he reached back to cut more, he leaned over too far and the chair fell- impaling him on the knife!

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

he froze the knife handle in a block of ice and put it on the floor pointy side up. Then jumped off the chair and landed on his back on the knife. by the time he was found the ice melted and wet his shirt

I like the answer b4 mine though

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

ummm...i think tht the guy was tied up to a chair by the blonde who snuck in while the brunette didnt notice because she was brushing her hair in the other room. then, being the blonde that she is, dropped the knife so it made a dent. she knew the brunette saw her so she hurried up and stabbed him, the brunette saw her while she was running out the door wuth the rope . the brunette was crying over him, hence ,his shirt was wet...not wanting to be a suspect because she was in the room she ran out of the room also. the dead man was late for a job meeting so they called and called..he didnt pick up obviosly so the boss was sent to find him, and he was pronounced dead!

Anyone want to answer a "murder mystery"?

Not the boss because he was only in the sae hotel, nothing bad.

It might be the best friend Jen because of the hair.

But Sandy knew where the bathroom was and has never been there

well I think it was Sandy who did it. Maybe she tied him up in a chair and was trying to drow him, putting his head in water but he got away of her and ran but she caught up with him and triyed to tie him in a chair, but as he ran away she stabed him in the back with a knife. THen after she got her hair brish and put Jens hair in it, and put jens hair on the body a bit, to frame her.

d*ammit it was him!

ok well then I don't want to think.

Can any body give me an idea of hair replacement system?

i want to open a chain of men's saloon in middle east but i need an idea of artificial hair replacement pls suggest in detail

Can any body give me an idea of hair replacement system?

If u have opened a hair saloon then the popular solution would be hair pieces, toupes or maybe hair systems as they are called. They are fake hair glued on top of ur head but they look quite real. They can get quite irritating in the summer though so I don't know if they would b a good idea for the middle east. That would be the only non-surgical way for hair replacement I know of. Just google hair systems and u'll know what I'm talkin about.

Can any body give me an idea of hair replacement system?

uh middle east cut camels hair off and place it on people

What does my dream mean?

This dream is a reoccuring dream. I find myself sitting inside of a car watching the moon. It first turns red and then goes up in flames and crashes to earth. There is fire everywhere and then a man's face appears. He has long, brown hair and a beard. Then a voice whispers "you are our future protector". End of dream. The dream first came to me in 1992 when I was five. The face I saw turned out to be my own in it's current look. I realized this when I had grown my hair and beard out and then had the dream again in 2004. I usually have the dream every one to two years. It really disturbs me so I hope somebody can help.

What does my dream mean?

to me it sounds like you are being connectd with the supernatual (spirit) world and someone is trying to tell you that something soon is going to depend on you and whatever choice you make has a big impact, (the moon going in flames and crashing into earth and you only watching it.) you are supposed to do something big and you have to make the right choice or something bad will happen. it will occur in the future because you wouldn't see it when you were five. and it comes so often because they don't want you to forget abbout it. i'm no expert but his sounds like the case to me

What does my dream mean?

It sounds like a sci-fi film that keeps you dreaming about it for a LONG time.

TX Mom

What does my dream mean?

It sounds to me like, even at the age of 5, you were telling yourself to get a damn haircut! Oh and that you are watching fireworks and would eventually get a job as a security guard!

What does my dream mean?

You're the chosen one to protect the earth from destruction. start now on fight garbage. Time will come you will be fighting aliens, zapping giant asteroid as big a Canada who will hit the Earth.

What does my dream mean?

The moon, menses, menstruation, love, fire, sexual development, all-consuming passion.

You saw the moon as it was when five, cool, white, innocent, indifferent. Then it turned red hot and broke out in flames and crashed to the earth inflaming everything around you.

You dreamt about your future sexual maturity at the age of five. This idea is underpinned by your appearance as a bearded young man at that early time.

What is unusual about your dream is that it came to you as a 5-year-old. Normally such dreams appear at the onslaught of puberty when boys and girls will dream that their house (body) is on fire.

That this dream is recurring is telling you two things: it is crucial and its true and full manifestation has yet to occur. Once that happens the dream will vanish.

"The future protector": This points to a relationship where you will be in that sort of role. A passionate affair is looming, an all-consuming love-affair still ahead of you. That you have dreamt of it at five is a measure of its power and grandeur!!

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

I'm an 18 year old guy. My mind doesn't feel feminine or masculine, but I'm attracted to both genders. However, I want to dress both gender(feminine and masculine). I'm very sensitive and delicate. I want to look female and male at the same time.

I see myself like this...

Maintain a somewhat masculine hairstyle, short bob/shag hairstyle, blonde. Pierce both ears, feminine diamond studs.

Wear somewhat masculine or feminine glasses. Either one.

Shape and thin eyebrows, feminine arches. Get Nair and make body hairless(except for pubes hair, brows and hair on head). Get a men's pedicure and manicure(if there is such one). Wear mens and women's tops and t-shirts, tight-fitting absolutely. Unisex, if you will. Wear men's boxers. Wear masculine jeans and pants, but wear feminine jeans, pants and capris too. I'd like to wear somewhat feminine boots and masculine flipflops.

Just not overly-feminine, you know?

The problem is, how do I tell my parents and get them to help me do this?

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

Don't worry about what you're classified as. They come up with different classifications everyday; know why? Because there aren't enough classifications for everybody, and there never will be. Everyone as themselves are different and such labels don't matter.

But, if you're just wondering or really want to know, you could possibly be bisexual or pansexual, a person who feels they don't identify with neither male or female, or a person who identifys themself as both.

I have lots of friends who don't consider themself male or female, and if a person asks them, they respond depending on their mood or what they feel like today. I think it really just depends on how you feel as a person and what feels most right to you. Maybe even nothing feels right. If not, that's perfectly okay.

I'm not sure how you could tell your parents. Are they open to such things, or are they very narrow-minded? If they're the first, then it should be no problem, just tell them slowly or something. Do whatever feels right to you.

If they're the latter, then, well... Maybe you could get a friend by your side to help you with it instead? Or get a friend to tell them for you, or have a friend there with you when you tell them? Some kind of support beside you just in case they react negatively.

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

If you are 18 then why do you need your parents to help you with your appearance?

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

Sounds like you are a complete induvidual and should be proud. Call it androginous/bisexual. Tell your parents you choose to pursue what comes naturally to you.

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

Classified? I dont know. You are you, you are a unique individual and you can be what you want to be. Is there any buses that you can take? maybe you can get a job somewhere that you see yourself working. Many retailers offer great discounts to there employees! I think that you should start your "makeover" by having financial freedom and getting a job that will let you buy all those things you need instead of going straight to your parents. I dont think they'll understand you! just try it on your own first!

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

your old man is going to blow a gasket, you know..........

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

you would be classified as a transvestite.

how to tell mom and dad ,

i don't know.

Desperate help! What am I classified as? How can I tell my parents?

You might identify as androgynous or genderqueer (gender-wise) and or pansexual / omnisexual orientation wise. Or, you might just say "I don't like labels" and let that be the end of it if you feel these still don't apply to you. I don't really have any tips on coming out, especially with gender issues because I've never had to do that. :-/ Good luck though.

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will lo

Everything went black for a moment until I found myself in a small empty room. Master stood beside me and there was a bearded old man sitting in a corner shivering. He wore torn up clothing and some of his yellow teeth were missing.

"What do you want from me?" he said. "I鈥檒l give you anything you want! Just let me go!"

"You idiot,鈥?said Master. 鈥淚 do not want anything from you. Now, I need someone for Lily's lesson.鈥?br>

"Lesson?" said the old man. "What is this 鈥榣esson鈥?are you teaching her?鈥?br>

Master chuckled. "Lily. Which is the most vulnerable organ in

the body?"

"The heart, Master"

"What happens to the victim after the heart is damaged?"

鈥淗e dies." I whispered.

"Good. Now I want you to ki-"

"You are sick!" said the old man. "Is this why you raised her? To create an assassin out of her? What kind of man would teach a six year old to kill?"

"Children are so easy." said Master. "They make better servants when raised at such a young age. My Lily makes a perfect example of that.鈥?br>

Master kneeled to my side.

"Lily," He whispered. "Do you love Master?"

"I do," I whispered back.

"Do you want to make Master happy?"

"I do."

"Then kill that old man in front of you. Make Master proud."

Master handed me the dagger and I walked forward. The old man, tied up to a chair, smiled at me.

"So young and innocent," he said. "Your mind is clouded with evil. I can tell that you鈥檙e lost."

I continued walking forward. My mind was too focused on pleasing Master. Pointing the dagger at the old man's neck, he still smiled but his eyes began to leak.

"You are confused, child," he said. "Do you really want to

kill an innocent old man who was nothing but kind to you?"

"Shut up old man," said Master, laughing. "Don't you see that she is not listening to you? Lily, what are you waiting for? Kill him!"

"Why do you want to kill me, child?" asked the old man.

"Master wants you to die," I slowly inserted the small

knife into his neck. "If I kill you, Master will be happy." The dagger

was now pointed to the man's chest. Instead of pleading for mercy, the man just sat there.

"Master will be happy, yes," he said. "Are you

happy to serve a man who was never kind to you? One who was always

cruel to you? Are you happy? Confused and Twisted child,--鈥?br>

鈥淚 am happy.鈥?br>

He stopped when the dagger was shoved into his chest, which oozed in blood. He started coughing up blood and he was breathing very slowly. He opened his mouth and smiled again.

鈥淕od鈥less鈥ou鈥︹€?he whispered. The old man鈥檚 head dropped and dangled from his neck. He did not move at all.

鈥淚鈥illed鈥im,鈥?I said, then looked up at Master, who did not smile. He patted me on the shoulder and pulled me towards him.

鈥淎mazing!鈥?He said. 鈥淕ood job. How did that feel? Doesn鈥檛 it feel pleasant, Lily?鈥?br>

鈥淚t does Master,鈥?I said, now starting to feel unsure.

My heart started to hurt. I felt like I鈥檝e done something wrong, but what? I did what Master told me, so why am I getting this horrible feeling in my heart? I smiled and hugged him. I only had this pleasant feeling because I made Master happy, and that鈥檚 all that mattered now.

The room started to fade away and Master suddenly disappeared. Now I found myself sitting on a chair in yet another empty room. I sat down on a metal chair, staring at space. The room was empty and there was white all around me. Two chairs stood in front of me. Master kneeled down behind me, whispering in my ear, which was the only thing in this room that I actually paid attention to.

"Lily," He said. "Can you hear Master?"

"I can," I answered back.

"Good," He said. "Listen to me carefully."

"Yes, Master."

"You are no longer the sweet, caring, young girl that we know and love. You are a tool, my weapon for destruction."

"I am your weapon."

"Good," said Master, "I will no longer care for and nurture you. You are under my custody and command"

"I am under your command."

Master chuckled and patted me on the shoulder.

"You never cease to amaze me, child," he said

"I love Master," I whispered and smiled at him.

"I know," said Master. 鈥淵ou are loyal to him. You will always be at his side, giving him endless affection. You live to serve me and do as Master sees fit."

鈥淚 will stay by Master鈥檚 side and do has he sees fit鈥?br>

鈥淕ood girl,鈥?he said.

"Someone is coming," he said." They are 'social workers'. Do you know what they are, Lily?"

"No, Master. I do not."

"They are evil and cruel people who want to take you away. They claim they are good folk who love children, but I have seen their tricks."

I looked up at him to see that he wasn't smiling anymore.

"Do you want them to take you away?"

"No." I began to shiver.

"You don't want them to take you away, do you? What are you going to do, Lily?"

Kill them," That was the first thing that came to mind when he asked me that.

"That's right," he said, his smile came back. "This time you use your powers, instead of that dagger. Those people are evil and cruel."

I listened with interest.

"You have to kill them, Lily. Who knows what may happen if you let them out alive? They could send even more bad men here. They will come and take Master away and kill him, but you want to protect him right?鈥?br>

I crossed my arms and shivered.

鈥淚 don鈥檛 want Master to go,鈥?I said, then started crying. 鈥淚 won鈥檛 let them kill you.鈥?br>

鈥淒o everything you can to protect me,鈥?said Master, who was stroking my head. 鈥淚f you fail, I will die.鈥?br>

The doorbell rang. I knew what I was ordered to do, but I still felt helpless.

"Stay here," said Master. "Be ready and kill them on my command."


Master left the room. The feeling in my chest became uncomfortable, my stomach felt as if bugs were crawling in it. I hoped that I wouldn't feel pain in my chest again. I still haven't figured out why I had it. I put those feelings aside and focused on what I was told to do. A pale black haired woman walked into the room, followed by a white haired man, who was round and plump and wore a suit with a pocket on the left side that contain three pens.

鈥淗ere she is,鈥?said Master,who pointed to the black haired and flat faced young woman. 鈥淟ily, this is Ms. Lee.鈥?br>

She smiled and took a bow. 鈥淣ice to meet you Lily.鈥?br>

Master then, pointed to the fat man. 鈥淢r. Palstone.鈥?br>

Mr. Palstone starting walking towards me, but they way he walked was very unusual. Flab dangled from his hips, and he was walking like a duck. I had never seen anyone this round; in fact I never knew people can be like that that. He reached out his hand and cleared his throat.

鈥淧leased to meet you Lily,鈥?he said.

I just looked at his hand for a few seconds and then turned away.

鈥淲as it something I said?鈥?he asked.

鈥淣o, it鈥檚 nothing that you said, please don鈥檛 take it personally,鈥?said Master. 鈥淪he doesn鈥檛 like shaking hands, and she tends to get鈥ell鈥pprehensive around strangers.鈥?br>

I looked at some unusual features on Mr. Palstone鈥檚 face. He had a well-shaved mustache, and the grayish hair around him gave him the appearance of a lion. A pair of yellow teeth in the middle of his was big compared to the rest of his teeth. It鈥檚 so huge, that you can see it even when his mouth is closed. In other words, Mr. Palstone looked like a beaver.

* 5 minutes ago

* - 1 week left to answer.

Additional Details

13 seconds ago









I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

i apologize for not reading the entire thing, thought by readin the first 1k words or so, its easy to tell.

i'd give it an 8. it has potential, it just needs some touching up.

interesting storyline (from what i've read.) the dialogue works for me. i like the depth to it. the storyline is great.

i am an enthusiastic writer also, so i understand how difficult writing can be. u've got potential, great mind=great ideas, thats what you have. now, you have to tidy up ur skills, to carry out ur ideas to the greatest potential. pick up a grammar book (helps to brush up on grammar and learn a few new types of sentences), and read read read. read many types of books by a variety of authors to further explore your personal style of writing. the two main styles of writing i have seen are internally focused (the character's thoughts) or extrenally focused (mainly by dialogue).

also, dont be afriad to write in third person (he, she) instead of just first person (I). use the different point of views to your advantage and experiemtn for whatever point of view fits the storyline the best. in this case, either point of view probably would have worked fine with the storyline.

also, edit, edit edit. elimits 10% of what you write. you'd be surprised how many redundancies occur in a writing before an edit. editing makes your writing so much stronger. edit many times, until you are satisfied.

one last thing, the reason you got an 8 is because i felt the descriptions were lacking. i dont care about the amount of it, but the quality mainly. (writing is about quality, not so much quantity) some of your wordings sounded off, it didnt quite flow right. some words sonuded too sophisticated or like they didn't fit in. if you want this kind of style, its fine, but if you are using a dictionary/thesarus throw it in the trash, with writing u rarely use it surprisingly. some of the sentences sounded choppy. vary the sentence lengths. in editing, you can switch around the sentence structures to create long and shorter sentences to achieve that flow u want.

but great work, i look forward to reading ur further writings. im not impressed often, its rare im impressed, but this time i was. i know talent when i see it, and with hard work, u will become a talented writer.

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

really long!!!!!!!!!!!! but, good!

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

very different I'd give it an 8

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

whoa!! It sounds like this girl has schizophrenia. Does she? It's really good. I'll give it a 9.

I want this story. :P

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

I dont know... its a little disturbing...its not boring or bad... but its....just odd!!!

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

Looks like I'll be the first to do it. 3

It doesn't strike me as something I'd sit down and read. It's not because the subject matter either, it's that you were a bit.... Unnerving with your dialogue. Not in a cool way, like Palahniuk. Like, in a.... Don't let you near the school bake sale because you might disappear with one of the kids kind of way.

I gave the 3 instead of a 1 because you didn't spell everything wrong or WrItE LiKe ThIs.

Those are just my 2 cents though, and I usually don't represent the general population.

I wrote this story about a 11yr girl who is mentally ill. Please tell me what you think. You will love it!!!!!

That is really good story i give it a 7 only it was a little tooooo long but other than tht u did really good!

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