Saturday, November 28, 2009

What does my dream mean?

This dream is a reoccuring dream. I find myself sitting inside of a car watching the moon. It first turns red and then goes up in flames and crashes to earth. There is fire everywhere and then a man's face appears. He has long, brown hair and a beard. Then a voice whispers "you are our future protector". End of dream. The dream first came to me in 1992 when I was five. The face I saw turned out to be my own in it's current look. I realized this when I had grown my hair and beard out and then had the dream again in 2004. I usually have the dream every one to two years. It really disturbs me so I hope somebody can help.

What does my dream mean?

to me it sounds like you are being connectd with the supernatual (spirit) world and someone is trying to tell you that something soon is going to depend on you and whatever choice you make has a big impact, (the moon going in flames and crashing into earth and you only watching it.) you are supposed to do something big and you have to make the right choice or something bad will happen. it will occur in the future because you wouldn't see it when you were five. and it comes so often because they don't want you to forget abbout it. i'm no expert but his sounds like the case to me

What does my dream mean?

It sounds like a sci-fi film that keeps you dreaming about it for a LONG time.

TX Mom

What does my dream mean?

It sounds to me like, even at the age of 5, you were telling yourself to get a damn haircut! Oh and that you are watching fireworks and would eventually get a job as a security guard!

What does my dream mean?

You're the chosen one to protect the earth from destruction. start now on fight garbage. Time will come you will be fighting aliens, zapping giant asteroid as big a Canada who will hit the Earth.

What does my dream mean?

The moon, menses, menstruation, love, fire, sexual development, all-consuming passion.

You saw the moon as it was when five, cool, white, innocent, indifferent. Then it turned red hot and broke out in flames and crashed to the earth inflaming everything around you.

You dreamt about your future sexual maturity at the age of five. This idea is underpinned by your appearance as a bearded young man at that early time.

What is unusual about your dream is that it came to you as a 5-year-old. Normally such dreams appear at the onslaught of puberty when boys and girls will dream that their house (body) is on fire.

That this dream is recurring is telling you two things: it is crucial and its true and full manifestation has yet to occur. Once that happens the dream will vanish.

"The future protector": This points to a relationship where you will be in that sort of role. A passionate affair is looming, an all-consuming love-affair still ahead of you. That you have dreamt of it at five is a measure of its power and grandeur!!

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