The Apostles had beards.
Jesus had a beard.
If God intelligently designed men's faces to grow hair, then why do men take such lengths to remove it?
Isn't that directly defying The Almighty?
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Perhaps the analogy lies with circumcision, for truly were all the Apostles and Jesus himself cut with a knife upon the eighth day, yet did not Paul himself revile this thing of the Old Covenant, and suggest that those so taken with circumcision should truly live their faith and sever their members entirely? Indeed, I do believe that these who would leave off the ancient practice of facial and body hair should likewise take the logical step and
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
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Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
What? I think its up to the person to decide if he wants a beard or not.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Sometimes there are questions that are so gobsmackingly stupid that they deserve an award.
You have won today's prize. Have a cookie.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
they picked up shaving the face from the Romans. it was a Roman tradition.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
The Omish and Mennonites are not clean shaven.
I understand where you are comming from but what about fingernails?
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Silly question! If God intelligently designed food why do we make toilet paper?
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
A christian should be well dressed and look good in his community, in the olden days beards were the common part of grooming but now our society prefers clean shaven.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
How do you know that the apostles and jesus had beards? Seen any photographs?
You are assuming.
Beards are a matter of individual taste. Sometimes I grow one just because I can. Sometimes I don't. Either way, no religion is going to tell me whether I can be clean-shaven or bearded.
Since god is an imaginary entity, it has nothing to do with an imaginary friend in the sky.
Your question assumes much but has no validity.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Grow a beard if you can and you will be adhored
i think the door to door religious salespeople should wear a beard - even a fake one will do - why is there always a spunky lass and an older person flogging their beliefs
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
First and firstmost, how do you know that Jesus and his apostles have beard? People remove beard for the same reason as they would when they shave armpit hair, cut fingernails, trim eyebrow n go for haircut. The bible says nothing about that as right or wrong. The only thing that God prohibits is harming our own body in folly, such as dieting to the point of destroying our health, going at all cost for plastic surgery not because of necessity but sheer vanity at the risk of our life or well-being.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
That is "religion" - Keeping a set of rules to make your outward self appear holy. Relationship has nothing to do with appearances, and everything to do with the inner man.
I personally have facial hair, wear Harley T- Shirts and Jeans. Others are able to first see that I'm real and approachable and dont put on some artificial self image by trying to dress holier than thou and carry around a big Bible and saying God Bless you to everyone I pass in the halls.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Stop picking on me. I hate having a beard, and I hate shaving. What can I do? lol
What so you care if people that are Christian have facial hair or not? I answered this question to make the above observance.It's actually a ridiculous thing.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Sorry little offended ones, but I think you are missing the point. Why did God "intelligently design" (male) facial hair - and the female underarm and leg hair which so many "nice" people are so horrendously offended by? And regardless of why, how come you believers feel free to be so off-hand about any part of this glorious creation?
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
-Don't you just love answers that start,"In the olden days..."?
-Here is a question for you, as Christ and the apostles were Jews, why aren't more Christians Jews?
-Now intelligent design, how much fun is that? Was it the Devil introducing evil into the world that gave us short sightedness and mental retardation? Or do we just end up with the catch all used for every failed attempt that faith makes at using reason to justify its existence,"God works in mysterious ways."?
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Because it fits for them. They like to contradict themselves.
Hehe,joking. Really,it's because in today's day and age it's just cool to do what you like as long as you don't hurt anybody,and most Christians like to shave for various reasons (one being it looks neater).
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
don't listen to them, i agree with you. they're clean-shaven faces do defying god %26amp; change what he in his wisdom created. i'm a muslim %26amp; i've got a long beard over 5" long %26amp; i love it it's a tradition that i love keeping. in fact in my muslim community a man is laghted if he were to shave. think a/b it god made it so that men naturally grow facial hair. who doesn't have facial hair??? boys %26amp; women %26amp; if you aren't neither why would you want to immatate women %26amp; boys with a hairless face. wear you beard with pride. if ANYONE says different tell them your a man %26amp; men have beards %26amp; you don't need to pretend to be something your not!
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Cause it's cleaner and more comfortable, if you've ever had a beard, you'd know it is blackhead city and itchy and scratchy and dirty.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
Don't be ridiculous....
This is 2007.......we shave now regardless of the fact that we're saved. As if God were going to judge us on facial hair....
He's more concerned about what we do with Jesus.
Why are so many Christians I see clean shaven?
A Christian is a follower of Jesus of Nazareth, referred to as the Christ. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God,who was crucified and died at the end of his earthly life, and then on the third day, rose from the dead, and later ascended into heaven with the promise to return. But without a beard!!!
Most Christians believe in the Trinity or one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christianity is the world's largest religion. It is estimated that there are approximately 2.1 billion Christians.
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