Friday, November 27, 2009

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

i wanted to go to gym but i have known that women are not visual

also i have little hair and i wanted to treat it or make hair transplat but also i known that women are not visual

so do you think it is better to do these things or man's body is not a sex matter for woman , and it is better to save my money or buy a car to attract women?

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

Women are not visual but they're not blind either.....

It's all about balance dear, be nice, look good and pay attention to her.

it's that simple! Amazing how guys still don't get it

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

What you need is to learn how to compose a paragraph that makes sense!

Just what are you talking about?

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

i dont know but do any thing u can to impress women

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

I don't like insecurity in a guy. He does not have to be in shape or good looking. He just needs to have confidence in himself.

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

wow... buying cars and transplanting hair... to attract women??

you're sooo freakin out of this thing...

so you like it when girls say "wow... like... your car is sooo sexy!! and wow... like, oh my god, your hair... it's soooo awwesome!!"

WTF... get a life and be a real man.

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

save your money to buy a car!!! only materialistic girls arroused by shape!!!!

Girls,do you arroused by shape?

Po' boy!

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