Friday, November 27, 2009

A mesa, a horse, a native ceremony?

This is another dream I had. Maybe someone could give me their insight. I was dressed in my buckskin dress ontop of a mesa, I could see for miles. The wind was gently blowing, my long black hair riding it's waves. I was given a leather tether by a man's hand. A ceremony was reaching it's climax as I received this gift. LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK.

A mesa, a horse, a native ceremony?

This would be a past life vision not a dream. The buckskin

clothing and a Mesa and being given a leather tether, could

be Seminole, any beads with decorative look on clothing

and tether, if so, you are being prepared for a wedding. It

will be equal to life changes now. Past and present coinside!

Ya-te-hey Friend, maybe this will help.

A mesa, a horse, a native ceremony?

Were you happy?

There is an answer in that.

A mesa, a horse, a native ceremony?

perhaps this was your vision quest. are you native? were you high?

A mesa, a horse, a native ceremony?

Dreams have been controversial for a very long time. Now they believe it is a way that your sub conscience deals w/ your everyday life. What were you thinking about before you went to bed? That might help you understand your dream a little better. It sounds to me like you have achieved something that greatly effects your life. Either that or your going to, The mesa and all the mileage you see may signify that you are at an important part of your life right now, and it shows that you are free to do as you wish,you know that there are plenty of options open to you. Good luck!

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