Friday, November 27, 2009

Females only?

how easy, hard, is it to deal with a man's body hair?

Females only?

if someone truly likes you..then they would eventually get over it..

otherwise..they might wax you when your sleeping.

Females only?

not hard to deal with. just keep it clean...

Females only?

Like Chest Hair. Some is all right i guess but too much is a total turn off.

Females only?

I personally do not like it- My father had so much of it that the sink drains would clog and it would smell worse throughout the day. I tried dating a guy that had it and it would go up my nose when we cuddled and I could not get past the part of me that was grossed out. But some love it- some love to play with it and so on... it all depends on who you are dealing with.

Females only?


Interesting , hmmmm well it doesn't bother me too much . Tickles my nose when I am cuddling with my bf, that would be the hair on his chest . The stuff on his face ....well sometimes it can be irritating . If it has had enough time to grow long it is ok but the stubble hurts.

I love my bf so I can deal . If my bf were to be really really hairy I would still deal with it, but if his hair had an unpleasant odor I would suggest to him to try an find a solution.

Over all answer it is not too difficult for someone who you love.

Females only?

i think that body hair is a personal preferance ut as long as you keep it maintained and dont let it get to out of control it should be fine

Females only?

It depends on the amount and the location.

Females only?

I guess it all depends on the person. Obviously someone has a complex because they have a lot of body hair. Some women love it, some women hate it, it's like anything in life everyone has different preferences. If someone is truly into you, they won't even care about that.

Females only?

Personally i can deal with it if it is not absoutely out of control. I mean it can't be to the point when that's all that i see i mean i don't want my attention taken away to how much body hair a guy has. I would rather be able to concentrate on the person.

Females only?

Well I really don't like facial hair when it starts to grow out. It bothers my skin, because it is so rough. No down below, I like that at least trimmed up. I don't want prickly hairs sticking in me down there either. Other than that, I don't have a problem with body hair.

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