Friday, November 27, 2009

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

I'm quite curious. Does it symbolize something?

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

They're called peyas (peyot in Hebrew). They come from the passages in the Tanakh that say a man is not to shave off the corners of his beard and that a man is not to cut his sideburns. So, the sideburns are not cut and are allowed to grow long. They are not present in Reform or Conservative Judaism, but are somewhat in Orthodox Judaism, and very much so in Chassids.

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

Meee Toooo!

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

Yeah, that is something I've pondered but never sought entirely.

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

Yea I wonder that too.

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

hm...good question. I like curly hair on my husband and baby though...although neither of them are jewish. so sorry i couldn't help you.

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

Leviticus 19:27

King James Version: "Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard."

(Egyptian practices)

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

There is a scripture in the Old Testament (Leviticus, I think) that says men are not to cut their sideburns. There is one sect of Judaism ... (Orthodox?) that still abide by this. This results in the curls around the ears.

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

...... Trendy ear-warmer's!....

What's the purpose of hair curls around a Jewish man's ears?

My head ain't square. Don't got corners. I evolved without them.

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