Friday, November 27, 2009

I need a new style!?

I'm going to be a senior next year and I figured I want to change my style cos' everyone says I act like a girl even though I'm a guy. I have some questions:

1) How can I become more man-like?

2) My wardrobe consists of mainly T-shirts, short pants and khakis. Should I change my wardrobe?

3) How can I built up muscles without going to the gym?

4) Can I get some tips on men's hairstyles? My hair splits into two parts at the middle of my head and it makes me look like a nerd. I don't want to grow my hair long either.

5) Can I get some clothing tips?

6) Can I get some tips on how NOT to act like a girl?

Thanks a lot! No stupid answers please.....

I need a new style!?

6) dont wear make-up and nail polish and perfume

5) get some guys brand name t shirts and just wear bagy jeans or any bagy pants or shorts really

4) you really need to post a pic, your hair has to look good with your skin colour, eyes and face shape and so on

3) play a sport or exersize lots and eat healthy foods

2) maybe it sounds alright, but id would depend on what brand and what they look like and stuff, if your shirts have pictues of cartoon chars on them...please put them in the bin...

1) dunno im not a man!

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