Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I Need Advice From People Who Are Intelligent And Know ALOT About French Men's Fashion?

I am wanting to be unique. Everywhere I turn I see guys with popped collars, spikey gelled hair, you know . . . pretty boys. I am kind of a skater guy. But I am wanting to have a unique sense of style. Something people notice, a style all my own. In Wagoner, Oklahoma, French fashion would DEFINITELY BE NOTICED!! Ha ha ha ha . . . So tell me, but only if you know what you're talking about, you know fashion, you either went to school for fashion or you are high in the industry, and know French fashion and you've been to Paris. I'm getting ready to re-stock my closet with outfits that would look like outfits belonging to a 21 yr old frenchman. Just give me examples of seven different outfits so I can get some sort of idea. Thank you so much guys, you're help, wisdom, time, and assistance are GREATLY appreciated. Thanks.

I Need Advice From People Who Are Intelligent And Know ALOT About French Men's Fashion?

I am from Paris and my husband is American. He only buys clothes in France now because he cannot find anything original and stylish here but then when he comes back to the States (we live in MA), he is self-conscious about wearing what he bought in France because no one wears that style here in the streets. He ends up only wearing maybe one third of what he would wear in France. Mind you, in some French rural regions, people stare at you too when you have a city style, but they won't comment on it, you just stand out, that's all.

What differentiates French urban style from American style is that men in Paris and other cities tend to wear much tighter tops like tight sweaters with 3 buttons on the shoulder, or tight long-sleeved T-shirts. Also, pants are more original, with discreet yet fun patterns, they look more artsy in other words (at least I only see hip artists wear that in the US). Jackets look very different too but I couldn't explain how or why.

Anyway, male Parisian fashion was largely influenced by gay fashion in the 90's (the gay community brought a huge improvement to male street wear and need to be thanked for that!!!) and has now become mainstream. They developed lines and cuts that show the body shape. In the States I have only seen a similar style in Manhattan (in a more luxurious, high fashion version though), but certainly not where I live in Boston where it is still very much either the lumberjack style (large T-shirts, large shirts, jeans or chinos), sportswear or business suit%26amp;tie outfit.

As long as you feel comfortable wearing clothes that will most likely be considered gay in Oklahoma that's fine, but just so you know it's definitely what it's going to look like to most Americans... I read in your other question that you are going to France soon. Just wear what you are used to wearing here (we are used to seeing people from all over the world wear all kinds of clothes), look at what people are wearing and if you see a style that you like, renew your wardrobe there.

Also, when you see an international or American brand store in France, just so you know, collections and cuts can be different from one country to another. So just because you see the same brand names doesn't mean you'll see exactly the same clothes.

@ Rillifane: I don't agree, I taught middle and high school in France and the US and find that teenagers dress VERY differently on either side of the Atlantic although there are of course similarities. GAP, Hugo Boss, Levi's, etc have different collections in France and the US to adapt to local expectations. On the NY subway I spotted out Italian teens from a distance just from their dressing style (I suspected they were French) and got confirmation that they were from Europe when they came up to me to ask for directions. I find the difference very obvious in how they are put together. Now of course that is if you look at the detail from a fashion-aware perspective, otherwise yes, it is true that in the western world most people dress more or less the same, but definitely not exactly the same. With my French, Russian and Italian clients we often talk about how different people dress in Europe and America, I am not the only one to notice a difference. Basic clothes might be more or less the same but styles are noticeably different. And I wasn't talking about gay fashion designers, I was talking about street wear worn by gay guys which has become mainstream street wear in French cities.

I Need Advice From People Who Are Intelligent And Know ALOT About French Men's Fashion?

I hate to break this to you but 21 year old Frenchmen don't dress all that differently than 21 year old Okies.

Don't believe me? Then check out these videos done by French ZOOM TV to promote various restaurants and clubs in Paris. See for yourself what people are wearing:




Maybe fewer bright colors and t-shirts with writing on them but that's about it. In fact, if you walk down the Blvd. St. Michel, a main shopping street in the Latin Quarter, you immediately notice how many places are selling Levis and other brands that you can find in any American city.

EDIT@Millie If it weren't for gay clothing designers there would be no fashion anywhere in the world! *grin* But let's face it, Levis are Levis anyplace in the world. (as are Benetons, Nikes, etc etc).

People everywhere in the western world dress more or less alike. Hardly surprising since they all watch essentially the same movies and television programs and since clothing manufacturers are multinationals and whether something is designed in Paris, New York or Milan its all made in China.

Also note that this is a young man of 21 years. Some distinctions of taste develop in older people but the young dress basically the same as the videos I linked to prove.

I Need Advice From People Who Are Intelligent And Know ALOT About French Men's Fashion?

The way you speak about yourself and clothes, will find no way in french fashion -

Because basically all is matter of signs, smooth, half-lights, and non-said - I think it will be hard for you, considered how you say things - All in a word - You're not at the right door

The style you're looking for is available in Italy not in France -

I Need Advice From People Who Are Intelligent And Know ALOT About French Men's Fashion?

here are some french streetwear designer site it's more hip hop style than skate







I Need Advice From People Who Are Intelligent And Know ALOT About French Men's Fashion?

A skater guy in France dresses exactly like an americain one.

And generally people dresses the same here than in USA. Jeans, tee-shirts, converse, baggys, etc...Clothes.

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