Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why do (some) Asian women ridicule the size of Asian male appendage?

If it's whites or blacks or another race doing that, then it can be explained away as racism, immaturity, and plain and blatant stupidity, but how do you explain Asian women ridiculing the size of Asian male genitalia?

Internet is flooded with this ridicule, and clearly the ridicule is exaggerated.

If you give it just a little reflection, the size matters, but the bigger does not mean the more desirable. Most women prefer the size of men's appendage to be just about right.

Now, why is that if there's truth in this small tininess of Asian male appendage why isn't there equal ridicule about Asian female breast? If you give it little thoughts clearly, you will realize that Asian females tend to be small and less curvy, Of course this is offending, but why is it it's Asian males who have to tolerate the offense.

Don Imus was once nailed about making comments about black females' hair, and so

Why do (some) Asian women ridicule the size of Asian male appendage?

Asian women...don't.

Unless this is another one of those false propaganda america use to discriminate other country or races...

Only in America may this freedom of speech became a freedom of false sense and disillusionment for other Americans.

The world is too big for these kind of disgusting comments. Go to asia some day and open those eyes.

Why do (some) Asian women ridicule the size of Asian male appendage?

I dated an asian girl for 3 years...she said asian males have mini penises....she was happy to get with me and my massive love log

Why do (some) Asian women ridicule the size of Asian male appendage?

Because Asian women want to hate on Asian men hoping to avoid being judged themselves. As long as asian men take the fall and they avoid being judged it's fine by them. Self-racism and low race esteem. It's the whole if you can't beat them join them.

That's why in America, they would rather date white men. Because they hope to be treated as American if they get with what is considered a high social standing partner. They don't want to be seen as foriegn like the way media portrays them. American media is trying to control Asian American's sexuality.

In the end Asian men get sh*t on and betrayed by their own women. I hate America.

Here are some Asian male porn sites to disprove the ignorant people's stereotype. If you are offended, do not open the sites.

Simply remove the spaces.

a s i a n - m a n . c o m

s h e l o v e s a s i a n c o c k . c o m / h o m e . h t m l

What's sick is, the white women are asking the Asian men out. So what does that mean?

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